Sunday 8 November 2009

A quick strengthening of your immune system against any viral attack

The best immune booster I know

The flu crept up on us two months earlier than I expected. These are the tools I have found to be the best strengtheners of the immune system.

RemiDay by Immunova is a zinc mineral supplement that delivers active ionised zinc to your body and helps maintain the health of the immune system.

RemiNite by Immunova delivers active ionised magnesium to your body ­– magnesium is an essential mineral that is important to virtually every organ.

Both of these products will be absorbed into your cell structure within 15 minutes. I recommend, to start, that you take one drop in a glass of water or herbal tea. RemiDay is taken morning and afternoon, while RemiNite is taken early evening.

Guna-Flu is a wonderfully powerful booster of the immune system. I prescribe one dose a week to keep your system working at its most efficient.

The combination of these three products will really help to strengthen you and keep the virus away.

RemiDay and RemiNite can be ordered exclusively from Immunova, visit:, or call 0800 389 3375. Quote GT200 when ordering.

Guna-Flu is available from me her in London . Call (+44)207 603 1926 if you are not in the UK